Uploading support centre article image

This method allows you to upload images to existing support centre articles.




This method can be accessed by account tokens.

Supported Parameters

  • support_centre - ID or local domain of a support centre. (required)
  • file - an uploaded file (required)
  • content_type - the content type for the uploaded file (optional)
  • filename - the filename for the file (optional)

Example Usage

If you wanted to execute this using curl, you could use the command below:

curl api.sirportly.com/api/v2/support_centres/upload_article_image \
     -H "X-Auth-Token:example" -H "X-Auth-Secret:example" \
     -F file=@/Users/danq/Desktop/image.png \
     -F "support_centre=codebase"

Returned Data

If the image is added successfully you'll receive a 201 Created status with information about the image. If it fails, you'll receive a 422 Unprocessable Entity status with information about the errors encountered.

Example JSON


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