You can fully customise the look and feel of the support centres using the "Templates/Snippets" section of the Support Centre Editor. To give you an idea of what is possible, below is the default blue Support Centre theme, and below that is a customised Support Centre theme.
As you can see, two very different looking support centres. We'll look at some of the techniques used to achieve this effect on this page.
The Support Centre interface is built from templates and snippets. Both can be customised to suit your needs using our built-in editor. There are 3 types of object that you can edit to customise your support centre:
Below is a diagram that shows a tree-view of the "Welcome" layout and the resources it uses.
Navigating to the "Templates/Snippets" tab in the Support Centre Editor you'll be presented with a list of Templates that apply to the support centre:
To change any of the text in the Support Centre, click "Edit Snippets" next to the relevant partial or layout, this will give you a list of snippets used by that template.
Clicking the pencil button will give you a popup allowing you to change the text for that snippet. The default text will be displayed in light grey in the background. Overwriting this text and clicking "Save Snippet" will update the snippet.
Snippets can be referenced in your Templates by using the value in the "Key" column, for example {{ text.article.page_title }}
Clicking "Edit Code" next to a Layout or Partial file will open a code editor that will allow you to modify your template. Templates are written in the Liquid Templating Language, which is standard HTML layout with a few extensions. Common Liquid keywords used in the default Support Centre include:
{% include 'partial' %}
- Include the contents of another partial.{% if condition %}....{% endif %}
- Conditional statement to only show a block if true.{% for item in collection %}....{% endfor %}
- Loop which will take items from array collection
, assign them to variable item
and display the block for each item in the collection.{{ text.template.snippet_name }}
- Displays a snippet that is defined in the snippets editor.{{ item.attribute }}
- Output the value of an attribute on the item
object.Using these tools, and editing the raw HTML should allow you to customise what is displayed in your Support Centres.
Editing the Custom Stylesheet allows you to change parts of the existing stylesheet, and add new elements to it. But what if you want to override all of the CSS and add your own?
Your first step is to edit the _header
partial and remove the following line:
<link href="/assets/support_centre.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
This will leave the following line which loads your custom stylesheet:
{% if site.custom_stylesheet %}
<link href="/stylesheets/support_centres/{{ site.custom_stylesheet }}/stylesheet.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
{% endif %}
You can now put all of your CSS in your Custom Stylesheet which will give you total control over the appearance of your Support Centre.